Sweat Buddy
Workout partner matching app

  • UX/UI Mobile App Project
  • Duration: 3 Weeks

Project Description

Sweat Buddy is a fitness app that helps users find compatible workout partners and provides a fun and challenging environment to motivate each other towards their fitness goals. With a focus on social connection and customizable preferences, Sweat Buddy makes working out a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

My Role

User Research, wireframing, Interaction Design, Prototyping


  • Nick Kaye
  • Brad Morgan
  • Vincent Radford
  • Sam Reece
  • John Sorgen

Tools Used

  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Adobe CC

Research Methods

Step 01

User Research

User Interviews

Research Objectives

Objective 1

Learn what on individual's current workout preferences are

Objective 2

How frequently do individuals workout or engage in other physical activities

Objective 3

What are their general feelings towards the gym.

Interview Findings

Competitor Analysis

Ladder, and NTC are fitness apps that focus on providing fitness training, workout routines, and customization. While Ladder and NTC excel in these areas, they do not address the social aspect of working out, which is Sweat Buddy's unique selling proposition. Let's explore their strengths and weaknesses:

NTC (Nike Training Club)

  • Diverse Workout Library: Provides a vast collection of workout routines, including strength training, cardio, and yoga.
  • Personalization: Offers personalized training recommendations based on user preferences and goals.
  • Track Progress: Enables users to track their workout history and monitor their progress over time.


  • Comprehensive Training: Provides a wide range of training programs, including strength, endurance, and flexibility.
  • Customization: Allows users to tailor their workout routines based on their fitness level, goals, and available equipment.
  • Expert Guidance: Offers training plans created by professional trainers and athletes.

While Tinder and Uber are not direct competitors of Sweat Buddy, they have features that can be leveraged to enhance the Sweat Buddy app. Here's how:


  • User Interface for Matching: Sweat Buddy can adopt Tinder's swipe-based UI to make the process of finding a workout partner more intuitive and engaging.
  • Profile Matching: Implementing a profile matching system similar to Tinder would allow users to connect with like-minded fitness enthusiasts.
  • Mutual Interest: Introducing a mutual interest feature would enable users to identify potential workout partners who share similar fitness goals and interests.


  • Geo Tracking: Integrating Uber's robust geo-tracking capabilities would enhance the gym location feature, allowing users to find nearby gyms easily.
  • Real-Time Updates: Providing real-time updates on gym occupancy and class schedules would help users plan their workouts more efficiently.
  • Seamless Booking: Streamlining the process of booking gym sessions or classes through the app, similar to Uber's ride booking, would simplify the user experience.

By incorporating the strengths of Ladder and NTC in fitness training and customization, and leveraging the features of Tinder and Uber for social matching and location services, Sweat Buddy can create a comprehensive and immersive user experience. The combined strengths of these apps would maximize the UX, making it easier for users to find compatible workout partners, customize their fitness routines, discover new workouts, and locate nearby gyms, all while fostering a supportive and motivating community.

User Personas

We used collected data from our user surveys and interviews and created two representatives of the male and female demographics and their particular needs and goals at the gym.


Step 02


Affinity Map

We grouped user data from participants who vary in experience in the fitness culture and created an Affinity map that illustrates common themes from the gathered information.

Brainstorming & Prioritization

Brainstorming & Prioritization is a collaborative process of generating, evaluating and selecting ideas. It was applied to the Sweat Buddy app to identify and prioritize features that would best serve the needs of its users.

Step 03



From simple pencil sketches to a lo-fi prototype, we created wireframes to test the initial and optimize user engagement and iteratinv any changes to maximize user satisfaction.

Logo Exploration

The Sweat Buddy logo exploration process involved the creation and testing of various logo concepts that represent the brand's core values of fitness and social connections. The final design features a simple yet dynamic icon with a bold modern typeface

User Testing

A total of 9 user tests were performed and a high level of task completion. Users were asked to complete 3 tasks:

Before Testing

Alignment, color, and cropping seemed to be the biggest issues that users had issues with. Overall, users were able to navigate, though with few problems.

After Testing

One example of iteration post testing was that users found that there was no way to “create an account.” This option was added in the second iteration. Some female users stated that the app seemed to be more male centric. This was rectified after testing.

Step 04

Final Prototype

Landing Page

We created a Sweat Buddy Landing page whose sole purpose is to inform the user about the app and the service it can provide them towards their workout endeavors. Click HERE to visit the Sweat Buddy Landing page

Final Prototype

Explore the Prototype

About the Prototype

  • Not everything in the prototype is clickable
  • The clickable elements will flash blue if you click on a non-clickable item.
  • Pressing the letter 'R' on your keyboard will take you back to the beginning.
  • Forms and fields do not work with keyboard input.
  • Click the link HERE if the prototype doesn't appear

Step 05


Continued Development

The Sweat Buddy prototype app shows great potential in bringing people together for a healthier lifestyle. The app has been designed to provide a fun, social and motivational environment for people to workout together. The focus on the user's preferences, such as workout type and intensity, ensures that they will find the right workout buddy. Future plans for the app include adding new features like a calendar, workout challenges, and compatibility with smartwatches.

Final Thoughts

Monetization through Advertisement: Increase revenue by partnering with fitness brands and displaying targeted ads throughout the app's interface.

Memberships through Premium Features: Generate additional income by offering exclusive features and content to users who upgrade to a premium membership.

Moving forward by filling a void in the fitness community: Continue to address the social and motivational needs of gym-goers and establish Sweat Buddy as the go-to platform for finding workout partners.

Gaining Brand Sponsorships: Collaborate with fitness and health-related brands to promote their products on Sweat Buddy and gain exposure to a highly engaged and fitness-focused user base.

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