Mobile App for the
Cocktail Community

  • UX/UI Mobile App Project
  • Duration: 4 Weeks

Project Description

Discover most reviewed cocktails near you and cocktail recipes in a way you’ve never experienced before. Our app provides you with an encyclopedia of the hottest cocktails of the season from bars and restaurants in your neighborhood. Don’t want to go out? No problem, Chaser app also offers a cocktail recipes with step by step instructions on how to make it at home!

My Role

User Research, wireframing, Interaction Design, Prototyping


  • Maxim Hull
  • Taylor Lamb
  • Nora Mehdikhani
  • Vincent Radford
  • Kenneth To

Tools Used

  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Adobe CC

Research Methods

Step 01

User Research

User Interviews

Research Objectives

Objective 1

Understanding the user’s experience trying cocktails.

Objective 2

Learning the user’s decision making process when making a beverage at home.

Objective 3

What determines when and where A user decides to go out for a cocktail?

Competitor Analysis

We researched two direct competitors and two indirect competitors and evaluated their features, user interface, marketing strategies, and user reviews to determine strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.

User Persona

We used collected data from our user surveys and interviews and created this user persona that represents the target user group.


Step 02


Affinity Map

Grouping insights and observations from user interviews and surveys, we created an Affinity Map that visually represents common themes of the data.

Step 03



By creating a wireframe, we can visually test and iterate on the layout and functionality of each screen, ensuring that users can easily navigate from the onboarding process to the location and drink selection, resulting in higher user engagement and satisfaction.

Guerilla Testing

Guerilla user testing was conducted on the cocktail app's assigned user flow, but the average completion rate was only 60%. To address this, we will analyze the user feedback to identify the pain points and improve the flow's usability. We will then create a revised wireframe and conduct further user testing to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for users.

Most common pain points


Users had trouble understanding the concept of "Make It or Chase it". They simply did not know what that was.


A mini-tutorial was added during onboarding, explaining what the “Make It or Chase It” concept was and how to use it.


Users did not know what to do at the “Make It or Chase It” option page. They didn’t understand why there was an extra step after selecting a drink


The “Make It or Chase It” option is integrated into the drink menu, making it much more intuitive.

Final Prototype

Explore the Prototype

About the Prototype

Step 05


Key Takaways

The Chaser App was very enjoyable to work on and despite it being an assignment, our team saw the potential of this unique concept of combining functionality of a review and cocktail app and applying it in the business world.

We regret not being able to fully adapt all the features we had in mind, but we were pleased that users were able to navigate the app successfully. This case study emphasizes the importance of putting users' needs first when designing apps, and the benefits of conducting thorough user testing to ensure optimal functionality and usability.

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