Site Redesign

  • UX/UI Project
  • Duration: 4 Weeks

Project Description

Drawchange is an Atlanta based non-profit whose goal is to use the arts and art therapy to increase the self esteem and critical thinking skills of children to help them better deal with life’s stressors.

My Role

Information Architecture, User Research, Heuristic Analysis, Interaction Design, Prototyping, User Testing


  • James Diaz
  • Nick Kaye
  • Olena Kulbaba
  • Elizabeth Kilgore
  • Vincent Radford

Tools Used

  • Figma
  • Mirro
  • Adobe CC

Research Methods

Step 01

User Research

Heuristic Evaluation

A Heuristic evaluation was performed, which identified several usability issues. These included unclear and confusing labels, poor CTAs, inadequate color contrast ratios, and text-heavy pages.

Competitors Analysis

draw change competitors analysis

Research Question

What are the motivations and priorities for people who want to volunteer with or donate to a charity/nonprofit?

draw change survey image

User Interview Insights

People are most likely to donate to a non-profit if:

  • It is clear how the funds are used
  • They can see how someone directly benefits from the organization

People are least likely to donate to a non-profit if:

  • It is a large corporation asking
  • There are bad reviews of the organization
  • It is not clear what the organization does

User Persona

Following our user interviews, we synthesized our findings and were able to create this user persona.


drawChange Storyboard

Step 02


User Flow

This flow represents the pages users would most likely visit according to our findings in our user research.

DrawChange User flow chart

Priority Sorting

A priority matrix was made emphasising changes to the visual and typography heirarchy as well as guiding the user to the information most important to them.

Revised Sitemap

drawchange sitemap

Step 03


Wireframe Sketches

drawchange wireframes

User Testing

Users tested out our lo-fi designs and gave feedback on their experience navigating We iterated our designs based upon this feedback and made improvements on the Visual and topographic hierarchy, improved and relevant micro-interactions and employing the “chunking” method for easier scanning


We used various inspirational images and textures that capture the look and feel of we wanted to convey with the new design direction of Drawchange.

drawchange moodboard

UI Style Guide

We began designing a style guide that reflects the creative vision and aesthetic direction established by the mood board.

drawchange style guide

Card Methods

Various card formats were created and used throuhout the site to help organize information into digestible chunks and avoid cognitive overload.

drawchange cards

Step 04

High Fidelity Prototype

Explore the Prototype

About the Prototype

  • Not everything in the prototype is clickable
  • The clickable elements will flash blue if you click on a non-clickable item.
  • Pressing the letter 'R' on your keyboard will take you back to the beginning.
  • Forms and fields do not work with keyboard input.

Step 05


Key Takaways

During this process we learned just how much the proper use of Visual elements not only make the site “look” better, but it also plays a vital role in making the user experience better by creating a visually appealing and cohesive interface that enhances usability and increases user engagement. It can help to guide users to key features and actions and improve accessibility through the use of color, typography, and layout.

Due to time constraints, we were unable to explore a mobile version of the site and there were plans on more micro-interactions throughout the site.

We also really learned about the story behind the organization and the inspiring story of its founder. We were definitely inspired by all the good this relatively small organization is spreading across the world and we would have loved to worked with her firsthand, but unfortunately that didn’t work out.